Friday, 25 December 2015

December 2015

Hi everyone

This is probably going to be my last update for the year, through lack of time if nothing else.

While I’ve managed to get some painting done it’s not been as much as I’d planned to do, as things just seem to keep coming up an getting in the way.  (Several times I’ve filled my water pot and put it on my painting tray ready to start painting later in the evening and it’s then been there still the following morning.)

The painting I have managed to do is getting five Dragon Prince horses basecoated and washed to a state that I’m happy with and five I’ve basecoated, washed and then completely re-basecoated as the wash hadn’t been watered down anywhere near enough.

Dragon Prince Horse
Dragon Prince musician

Dragon Prince musician

Despite having taken a bit of a hammering money-wise through Christmas and other expenses, I’ve still ended up buying another box of Dragon Princes (to round out the units of them I’ve got in progress) and some bits to finish off a couple of DPs and also start some Silver Helms (although given what bits I need I suspect that unit is going to be a long burn to completion).

I’ve managed to get a game of fantasy in at the club against Ogres.  I was using a bit of a gimmick list based around Beasts wizards and casting Savage Beast of Horros to turn all my characters into combat monsters.

While the gimmick did work, as both my opponent and I arrived at the venue late and he was somewhat rusty, it ended up as a win to my opponent as we had to call the game at the end of turn five, just as my units of Swordmasters containing my characters had cut through his units of Ironguts and Bulls leaving just his Slaughtermaster who was about to be struck down if we'd had the chance to play turn six, which would have meant the game would at the least have been a draw depending on how other things went.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

November 2015

November's been a bit of a quiet month hobby-wise.  Not quite as bad as July but I have only picked up a brush three times all month. Part of that has been down to trying to get my Raze and Ruin battle reports written up but there's also been a fair bit of prevarication resulting from not being sure what colours I was going to paint the horses.

Having had a scour through the paints I have on hand, I've finally decided on black, grey, light and dark brown for the horses (although I may do light and dark grey rather than just one shade).  I've picked out the paints I'm using for my base colours and I'm hoping that I might be able to get away with just a layer and a wash with some of them.

While I've still got tonnes of High Elf stuff to paint, I have been having thoughts about putting together a second army, possibly a Khorne-based Warriors army, making use of models from the Age of Sigmar starter as my Marauders and Warriors and/or Chosen.  Of course, it's once you start looking at the other things that would need adding to those to make a reasonably well-rounded army that the idea gets a lot less appealing, as I'd want to have a few of each unit option for variety and before I know it, I'll have almost as big a force of Warriors as I do my High Elves.

Anyway, any spending on models is going to have to wait until well after Christmas.  What with the car recently having had its service and MoT and needing far more work on it than expected, plus renewing car insurance, buying Christmas presents etc I'm hoping to have a month or two off spending so my bank account can recover.  I also need to try and find some cash to put aside for boring things like decorating the house and sorting out the garden (so that hopefully I can one day be out in the garden and actually enjoy it rather than just keep noticing all the little jobs that need doing).  Apparently though I'm to expect some models as presents as my daughter told the missus she wanted to get me some models for Christmas, so hopefully I'll be that little be closer to rounding out the units in my High Elves, or have a couple more characters for the army depending on what the wife's budget (which she always goes over) was.