Good news everyone!
Barring the bases and sticking on two heads, I've finished my first batch of 10 Dragon Prince steeds. After a bit of a post-Christmas hobby lull (as well as wanting to get bits for other projects out of the way) I've managed this week to get on with hobby every day during my lunch. I'm now at the point where I'm actually taking the models and some paints home today with a view to trying to get some work done on the other horses at some point over the weekend. The only downside is that it keeps reminding me I'll have a load of work to do on my Ellyrian Reavers at some point to bring their horses up to the same standard.
The spearmen I was looking for in January still haven't turned up. Hopefully they should do shortly - as we're planning to decorate the lounge this year I've begun moving stuff into the loft for temporary storage, which has seen nearly all my boxes of models that need assembling and painting go up. I'm just having to be careful not to file them away where I can't get at them for when I've finished the Dragon Princes and need to move on to the next unit. Once the lounge is clearer the spearmen should turn up - I think they've slipped off the shelf they were on and been buried under a load of my eldest daughter's books that have slipped off the shelf due to poor arrangement